Concepts in management: IRADE, foresight, power, direction, politics, measure, strategy, representation, decision legitimacy, inspection and intervention

At the beginning, commercial enterprises necessarily bring products and services to the desired / reasonable / sellable level. IRADE has revealed the necessary strength at this point. Moreover, companies that do not have IRADE, leave the stage quickly. Many initiatives are not organized at this stage. A system / procedure and the management required by this system can not be mentioned. IRADE is dominant on works and events. It manages procurement, sales and all processes by managing the foresight and power properties without needing intermediate levels. It recognizes its staff. It has a flexible structure. In this process, a company character is formed according to the characteristics of the leader.
However, when the works start to increase qualitatively and quantitatively, acting in organized manner becomes compulsory. So, many companies fail to achieve this stage and internal problems over time the company brings to the point of exhaustion. Therefore, many positive and negative events that we have experienced and witnessed are related to organization and management. At the same time, we see that some of the companies that started operating under the same conditions are advancing rapidly and some of them lose their reputation and even lose their credibility. The most important reason for this is managing the organization, and the root cause is the approach to organizational management.
In the first years of the business and during the growth phase, the company owner or his assistants are aware of all the events in the company. The number of suppliers is limited. He deals with all of their purchases and knows almost all the stocks and recognizes all personnel, and observes the performance of staff. IRADE (company owners) recognizes the customers and constantly listens to their expectations. While taking decisions, he has lot of areas where the information is obtained rapidly and the percentage of decision hits is high. Briefly, the owners of the company (IRADE) reach the information they need for their decisions. All plans are shaped in the owner’s mind, coordination is done according to the development of events, control is almost instantaneous – for being within the knowledge of the boss. He immediately sees the problems and can intervene. The company has developed reflexes against tne events. Shortly; There is a IRADE stage while the company is established, the stage of occupations required for production has occurred over time, and the management stage exists as weak and uncertain between the IRADE and qualification.
However, improvements in the quality and quantity of the works obligate the change in the works made for carrying out the works. Major changes occur in the quality and quantity of information that the owners need to make decisions and create IRADE. The need for information increases. However, the implementation of the decisions taken, the follow-up and finalization and evaluation of the results require a different discipline.
Most importantly, while the responsibilities of the management and occupations / specialties stages increase, the consequence responsibility of the IRADE continues.
ZBecause the number of customers has increased. This quantitative increase will increase the qualitative differences and diversify the customer expectations. This diversity will require differences in production processes and also will increase the number and variety of suppliers. In this case, the company will need different specializations, each specialization will demand the mechanisms to produce the information that it needs.
In short, the management works which were carried out daily by the owner and his assistants previously, will need a systematic and a standard and executives that shall ooperate this systematic. In other words, the management stage must be established in a specific, defined and powerful manner. In this case, the most famous method known for complex jobs is to work with professional managers (who are competent, professional), which is not exactly true. Where there is no management systematics / standards / procedural principles, the professional managers either want to establish a system according to their own personalities, understanding, or the order they used to have before. However, the company has a personality and this personality is known both in the internal and the external world (customer, supplier, etc.) of the company and requires the continuation of the company reflexes, the integrity of the decision, the relationship order in same plane.